onsdag 17. september 2008

Bilinguistic choices and what's wrong with Wexford?

Donnybrook, Dublin 4.

The life isn't easy. It's quite scary, atleast those times you're faceing a crossroad. A defineing moment of truth, were you have to take a major decision in witch all person values have to be taken to account and consideration before make the final choise; Norwegian or English? Bloody difucult to choose. I'm a Hiberno-English user captured in a British-English vocabulary and then again given another first language. The most easy, ofcourse, would be to continue to use norwegian, since most of those who ever will read this, I guess, are Norwegians, hence it would be fare more effective for both parts to use Norwegian. But, in an other way and as a growing fan of the language; English would, if I'm lucky, reach much futher then Norwegian and, since I live a rather international life at the moment, it could give a mix of training and connection with other in the simular situation (read: getting a life in a foreign country). Therefor, I'll start in English, and would then later use Norwegian to place correspondance who are of less "common" interest...if that dosen't sound too mean.

Then, I have been here since August 25th, at UCD since September 5th. What to tell back home about those nearly 3 and a half weeks? I think I will start with the advices we got during the Introduction Speaches the first day;

- Don't get merried. I did. Go Canada. (Dr P. Nolan, Vice-President for Academic Affairs)

- Do not merry someone from Wexford. It will upset your parents.

OK. Ehm..that's...taken to notice. I do like canadians, and I can't see that anyone from Wexford have done anything cruel to me eighter. The place were settled by some lost Vikings who named it Veigsfjord, they got a lot of narrow streets there and they have a rather peculier way of speaking...pub's, a Opera Festival (I heared) and is quite typical Irish in every single way. I don't know what the peopel in Wexford have done to get souch a reputation, but if they, the Vive-President, say so, I rather go to Cork, Tralee or Galway and pick something up there...but if it's someone from Wexford out there who wants to, well, disprove UCD's attitude...*COUGH*

Today's Correspondance back home; "It is something strange about Wexford"

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