torsdag 25. september 2008
To understand the PR-STV system.
This title is sarcastic: nobody do know the fully deepth of the Irish election system, the Single Transferable Vote system, preference vote if you like. During today's lecture about thise subject, originally we should have a introduction to Irish voting behaviour, but that did't happen. Our lecturer had just explaied how the surplus of the votes for a Labour representative, who would be the representative voted in as the second preference for voters in North Kildare, that a rather cartoonic person in the front row asks a question. "Why did't the Green Party get eliminated during the first count, since their number of the share of Finna Fail's surplus votes was smaler than the difference between them and the Fine Gael representative?". Damn he's right, and by then it seems that we had discovered a major failur in the Dail election, and our lecturer, a old professor who rather hands out sheets for the lecture rather faceing the chalenge of the cyber space, suddenly have a explanation problem. Why did't the Green Party's candadate get eliminated and here voters second preferences recounted and shared in propotional portions to the other candidates? Therefor, suddenly, were everything this old professor had teached us about "first share surplus, then eliminate if the votes can't change the weakest candidates position" during a quite theoretical and mathematical lecture waisted..or atleast, or even more likely, more confusing than it was in the beginning. I'm a nerd when it get's to electorial systems, so inside my mind I vere already constructing arguments promoting the STV system in Norway. But this situation, when one of the highest skilled academics in his field in Ireland, one of only two countries who use this complex and propotionaly sophisticated method of electing our representatives, and who, with all respect, should be one of few who realy know the system from ballot to Dail misses, and then with large doubts have to take chances around the first, and the most important, count in the system: who knows? Confronted with this and the fact that I have problems to imagine every single local electorial Officials around in Norway been able to control this, and that did effectivly crush my hope for a major change in the electorial system back hope. Should realy wish to be the fly at the wall when the 60 year old Official in Vestre Slidre just after sending the result to Oslo suddenly discover that they have elimiated the wrong candidate, and then, over a slightly tranished cellphone conection try to explain this to the Election Comittee and the other Officials. Nope...we better stay to Propotional Representation following the St. Langue with 1.3 as a divider.
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2 kommentarer:
Du sa "vi snakkes på bloggen" og jeg tok deg på ordet! Håper bare du oppdager dette her nå, da! ;)
Takker igjen for den meget trivelige forsendelsen; sitter her og leser DWM as we speak og nyter til fulle! Flott nummer og meget interessant intervju med Catherine Tate. Også gleder jeg meg til enda mer!! You are, indeed, most brilliant!
Har sett mer på hoteller men trenger adresse-konsultasjon fra Dem, monsieur.
Ante meg at du faktisk ville bli den først esom kommenterer noe som helst her, og få skryt for urelglementert eksport av litteratur ut av Unionen og sysselsettelse av det Irske postverket blir da også godt tatt i mot:D Du er vel her strengt tatt i byen når neste DWM kommer ut så da har du enda større grunn for å glede deg tell oktober;)
Send over lista med alternativer eller noe slik så vil jeg ta en hurtig innsats som konsulent og se hva som er best, Mi Lady.
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