fredag 27. februar 2009

Djevelsk underholdene!

Og da er det ikke monologene til Otto Jespersen jeg refererer til, denne gangen. Derimot en riktig så festelig artikkel i dagens BT om noen 3 skøyere som, for å sitere Are Kalvø under inmatrikuleringen i Grieghallen i 2006, "Unfortunatly this part of the speech will be held in Norwegian and being translated or having an subtitle. Any people not able to understand Norwegian feel free to laugh if the Norwegians does it...Thanks...Greit, la oss no prata skit om utlendingane". Disse tre personene har nå starta med å selge "black metal"-skjorter med relativt kuriøse budskap. Kall det et lost in translation syndrom. Poenget er bare, det er festelig. Utspekulert og om ikke anna en forferdelig sjølironisk humor om det inntrykket våre black metal tradisjoner har etterlatt seg, med en dråpe Frode Øverli. Mener at noen av de LPene og CDene Jokke selger i platebutikken til faren har tittler ikke langt unna disse 3 har kommet fremtil.
Så, for å slå ihjel noen minutter, her kommer min lille liste med foreslåtte bandnavn:
  • Laurdagsrevyen.
  • Höyre (Partiet)
  • Flööybaanen
  • Gravlaks
  • Hosolædd
  • Schillingsbollr
  • Hembrænnt.
  • Hurtigruuta.
  • Gnaagsaar
  • Storthingets KonTroll og Konstituusjonskomitee.

søndag 22. februar 2009

A Brother and his Sister

Siden den hjemlige debatten de siste 3 ukene har fokusert på hvorvidt ordensmaktene skal ha få ha hva de vil på hodet har jeg bare veldig kort lyst på å ytre min meining om saken, siden de aller fleste ser ut til å ha gjort det. Altså: Om det er korrekt at noen gikk bak justisministerens rykk, da kan Astri Aas-Hansen bare pakke sammen. Staten er nøytral og egalitær. Politiet skal vite og tro. Dog, eksperimentet med å la 20 politibetjenter iført en variasjon av hijab, kefije og Fez beskytte den israelske ambassaden ved neste anledning. Satser på at Mossad i et slikt tilfelle stiller med egne mannskaper. Meg om det. La mennesker tro det de vil, men ovenfor loven er alle like.

However, let’s turn to the Progressive Party and Siv Jensen. The last days vendetta against the so-called hidden turning of Norway to Islam have, as usual, made several commentators to compare her statements as those sated in Germany in the late 1930s. The supporters of Jensen claims -in some way too popular debate forums with rather brown political colours- that it is the Government that are trapped in the history if they believe in “peace in our time” if they accepts demands of a minority. It’s quite fascinating the one-sided adaption of the WW2 scenario in such debates. I would rather compare this Progressive warning concerning the degree of Nordicness of Norway to some of the speeches of rev. Dr. Ian Paisley, as that’s a conflict a bit more realistic than that of Central Europe (even though the lust for Crusade seems to arise in some right-wing groupings).

The similarities between rev. Paisley and Jensen is that both have an defensive stand in their cultural views. Irish Tricolour or halaal diets in prisons you may say versus the symbols and identity of the majority. (Speaking in (Norther) Irish terms demands we should be delighted that the prisoners actually are eating at all).
In the same way Paisley campaigned against what he saw as “Rome Rule” in 1988 and his outburst against the Pope as Ant-Christ, the Progressives leader use the fear of Sharia Rule in some parts of Oslo, as a reference to Rosengård Ward, popular known as Hell’s Forecourt, in Malmö. Their answers to prevent this fall of their heritage, is use the national normative argument: A Norway with Norwegian law and Norwegian form of government, which nobody up here probably would argue against since law and government is the definition of a country. Much in the same way as rev. Paisley dictated that the peace process in the North in reality was a surrender process. In both statements it is indicated that any way of adjusting the society is a way of surrender. When it comes to this “No Surrender” mood, the symbolism is overwhelming in rev Paisley’s favour, as Norway of today is way to homogenius, and the minority way to divided to become a real threat to the national heritage.

However, as Jensen states the Progressives won’t permit any special demands from any individual grouping. At the same time the Progressive still demands the down closing of the Sami Parliament. And then, then things is starting to turn nasty as a native people are refused right already granted. That’s something that could have come from Paisley. So, if the Progressive manage to close down the Sami Parliament, as it is special treatment of a single group, it would be interesting to observe what will happen with the land in Finmark owned by the Sami Nation, if it is supposed to go back to a government who want to get rid of dead finances and unprofitable property. Privatization of that part of Sapmi within Norwegian borders? Just a thought. But, the Progressive fight against Islam are then only escalating fear and xenophobia. When “different” slowly turns to “dangerous” and attached to immigrants what would that tell about the majority that either can’t fight such ideas back, or promotes them? Following recent statistics 10 % of the population is immigrants in one or another way, but, the overwhelming single-sided focus on the Islamic (Middle East) part of the group overshadows the fact that nearly half of the group have their roots in Europe, Oceania, Latin America, North-, Central America and Africa. Secondly, half of the population who’s not a member of the Church of Norway have another Christian faith (properly Catholicism due to growing imigration from the new EU zone and Latin America), and the actual number of Islamic believers is decreasing. Can’t be much wrong in presuming that immigrants isn’t a members of CoN.

So, follow Siv Jensen’s analyze where any demands from a single grouping is not acceptable, what if the rising Catholic population starts campaigning against, for example, contraception, abortion and divorce, or catholic health personal demands to practice such issues? What demands of implementation of Catholic Social Thought? Masses in the prisons? Catholic priests in the army? Thing that’s vaguely differ from our tradition, but still isn’t “a Norwegian value” following the current era? The Progressives holds the Christian (Lutheran) values as fundamental, and in such moral issues the differences isn’t that large. So, would such issues which correlate with party values (to some degree) be seen as an attack on Norwegian Values and Laws? I would love to hear Jensen’s arguments against such. By the way, I started this with comparing Jensen and rev. Paisley. Just some minutes ago I stumbled over this quote, which mainly shows how fundamentality cold hearted, narrow-minded and religious limited rev. Paisley was back in the 1980s:

Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners.

Somebody remembering Jensen's passionate speech in Oslo in favour the Israeli Army Campaign in Gaza? That it was only Hamas people killed in action and Hamas safe places and houses bombed? Brother and Sister.

fredag 20. februar 2009



Det Revolusjonære Fakultet,

Universitetet i Bergen,

Oktoberbygget – Blokk Øst

Vår utsendte på SV Biblioteket kunne i dag rapportere at det ved 12:15 tiden uprovosert ble utstøtt et utrop over bibliotekledelsens anbefalte støynivå. Opptrinnet fant sted under en omvisning i lokalet under veiledning av en av personalet. Vi har ikke lykkes med å finne årsaken til dette skandaløse opptrinnet, men det indre Politbyå har vedtatt å opprette en kommisjon som vil etterforske hendelsen. Hendelsen vil i første omgang også settes i sammenheng med den audiovisuelle observasjonen av trolig alkoholrelaterte flasker i friksjon mot hverandre drøye timen etter ovenfornevnte opptrinn og like før det synlige horisontale fallet til en studine uten medlemskap i Bevegelsen i retning utgangsdøren.

Budskapet i utropet har vært inne til analyse ved Institutt for Kontraspionasje, men har ikke latt seg tolke.

fredag 13. februar 2009

Recession in the Underworld

Geneva (AP): The global economic downturn are continuing to hunt down major banks and industrial companies, giving rising pressure at the world leaders to bail out and recapitalize the financial sector. However, as the bloody businesses at the moment don’t seem to have reached its zenith yet, the crisis seems to turn to a catastrophe of apocalyptic dimensions for some.

The many collapses in the banking sector have socialized many of the losses around the world, leaving many governments in an underfunded situation. Surely this means many that governments have second thoughts of further recapitalization schemes. This is leading the Liechtenstein registered Banque Sang du Ombres on its knees; leaving the Vampire Nation facing a most devastating starvation unless someone may provide the bank the fluids that we all know is of fundamental importance for them.
The BSO have seen a drop in the will to give blood, which will reduce its possibilities to redistribute A, B and AB profit to its members.

- The failure to bring forward any taxation proposals has been defended on the grounds that, regardless of the urgency of the taxation issue, must await the deliberations of the Commission. This may lead some of the least civilized cartels to stop at nothing to provide themselves what needed to survive, chairman of the BSH Danica Talos tells our Economic correspondent. The more conservative cartel in Moscow has, together with their allies on the other side of the Atlantic, openly criticized the elders of the vampire community for the lack of actions to feed its own population. In an open letter to the Commission, Gitano Dragonetti, member of the Shadow Council, have threatened to end the truce negotiated between the Underworld and the World, arguing that “if the governments around in Europe want cut backs, that’s nothing compared with the massive cut downs vampires loyal to the Shadow Council are prepared to carry out”. He further states that blood like -capital- is a dead labour, and if the bankers may live on sucking their livehood out of the public treasures, so may the vampires suck on the taxpayers themself. Cutting the edges in an ineffective state bureaucracy.

Dragonetti have issued a warning that if not the BSH have been re-fluided by any scheme before 6.PM at Valentine’s Day the House of Erebus and the Dark Others of Moscow will turn to independent activism. The day chosen is not a coincidence as people left alone on February 14th seems to be less likely to be reported missing of anyone at all, and due to the society's consumer focus the same people are the least visible at all. Hence, Dragonetti emphasizes that this withdraw of profit will have no significant influence on the economy, but that the cut backs in the number of single peoples will reduce the need for social welfare in several European economies. The Commission have refused to answer our correspondnet on this issue, but they tells that any effort to reduce the Crisis and strengthen the Union's competitiveness will be welcomed. The Pope, Fine Gael, Living Word, several employer associations and IKEA have secretly embraced the new strategies implemented by some vampires.

Beth Turner, a journalist who is one of quite few humans with internal contacts in the Vampire Nation tells us from her BuzzWire office in Los Angles, that she have informed our Editor, who met her at a Journalist Congress held in his own holiday house at St. Lucia, that the vast majority in the Vampire Nation don’t want to give up their anonymity. This is followed by the main branches of the Hungarian cartel where Alexander Corvinus, Elder of the Corvinus family, rather focus on the on-going war with the werewolves as their main problem, and do not want to criticize BSO’s fluid policy befor critizizing other cartels for using divide and conquer strategies to benefit thelself.

An emergency meeting led by Danica Talos will be held at BSO headquarter in Geneva during the coming week to solve the gridlock between the bank, the vampire nation and the human part of the world.

onsdag 11. februar 2009

Uventet seier av Kadima, men høyrekreftene i flertall

Som en konsekvens av Ehud Olmerts avskjed som statsminister og Tzipi Livnis misslykkede forsøk på å stable på beina ei ny majoritetsregjering fikk vi da nyvalg i Israel i går. Og, som den valgnerden jeg er, gikk ikke det upåaktet hen og ble markert med valgvåke på undertegnedes adresse.
Valg i Israel er interessante av tre enkle årsaker. For det første er rundt regna hver 5 medlem av elektoriatet til Knessetvalgene bosatt utenfor staten Israel, hovedsaklig i USA. Siden valglovene sier at en må stemme på Israelsk jord tilsier det at den faktiske valgdeltakelsen blir lav. Veldig lav. Rundt 63v %. For det andre er Israel en eneste valgkrets som velges proposjonalt. Følgelig tilsa det inntil nylig at 1 % av stemmene tilsa i allefall en av de 120 plassene i Knesset, men etter som sperregrensa nå er på "hele" 2 % slipper vi å få inn i de aller minste partiene; dog, fremdeles er det registrert over 30 partier til valg der, så det impliserer at det å skaffe seg ei ett-partiregjering med reint flertall (60 seter) er tilnærma umulig. Resultatet av gårsdagens valg viste faktisk at hele 12 partier skal dele de 120 setene seg i mellom. For valgnerder er slike valg om ikke annet interesante. Ikke bare er det bortimot umulig å få en faktisk fordeling av setene før absolutt alle stemmene er talt opp, men det er ingen garanti for at de som faktisk vinner valget i det heletatt er med i den nye regjeringa. Pragmatisk nok blir det da relativt vanskelig å avgjøre hvem som faktisk ender opp i koalisjon med hverandre. Veldig demokratisk, men også hovedårsaken for at de ultranasjonalistiske partiene, som f.eks Yisrael Beiteinu, har en disproposjonal innflytelse i politikken. For det tredje og siste; israelske valg er et av veldig få valg i verden hvor et elektoriat faktisk får rett på å avgjøre skjebnen til et annet folk, og bruke 3,5 million mennesker som en politisk sak, makabert nok ganske så likt rovdyr debatten her hjemme. Skyte ulven, eller gi den et reservat og så holde bestanden på et bestemt nivå? Dessverre er det Senterpartiet som får styre den israelske utgaven av denne debatten. (Denne bildebruken blir ganske så festelig tatt i betraktning av de nåværende verdidebattene her hjemme. Ikke det at jeg sammenlikner SP og Likud)

Uansett, Kadima og Livni ble største parti, men som Jerusalem Post konkulderer med; høyresida er den største blokka. Likud, anført av Binyamin Netanyahu, mannen som felte Osloavtalen, kan lett samarbeide med Yisrael Beitenu og det andre store borgelige partiet Shas om å forme ei ny regjering på ei platform de lett kan enes om: sikkerhet og anti-terror. En slim konstilasjon vil kunne få 53 representanter. Hva Jewish Home og National Front standpunkter er veit jeg pent lite om, uten om at navnene i seg sjøl er beskrivende for om trent hvor konsensusorienterte de må være med tanke på bosettingene på Vestbredden. Sinn Fein omfavnet i sin tid "Ballot Box and Armalite" som veien for politisk løsning på the Troubles; jeg nekter å tro at Avigdor Liberman med sin virkelighetsoppfatning skulle bry seg om noe annet en den sist nevnte Armaliten. Det vil i det heletatt bli gøy å se hva slags koalisjon som skal regjere de kommende årene. At høyreblokka har størst sjanse for å ta føringa. Livni gikk, som det er populært nå for tiden, på valg for å føre endringer til Israel, og endringer blir det uansett. Problemet, imotsetning til det som for tiden skjer i Washington, er at de endringene det blir slått stort opp om i hovedsak IKKE vil merkes for den jevne israeler, kanskje bedre (verre) merkes for den Arabiske minoriteten innad i staten i Israel, men først og fremst for de som ikek hadde mulighet for å stemme; Palerstinerne.

Selv om det er lov å håpe er jeg personlig stygt redd for at den eneste utviklinga vi får er at de fleste palestinerne får leve litt til, men at den nye endringa kun fører til at de blir fra tatt den siste rest av verdighet FØR det hvite fosforet gjør jobben. En har jo tross alt hvert såpass humane under den siste krigen at israelske myndigheter ikke stempla palestinerne som terrorister før de lå på al-Shifa sjukehuset.

onsdag 4. februar 2009

Irish Records, Climate Changes and Utter Suspicious Flying Objects

Then last week have given a broad spectre of happenings that for once prove that the life may be a big laugh. For the very first; UCD finally sent me my final marks on Monday. And -honestly- I was a bit disappointed. Not that I should be, my results are in general far better than the results here in Bergen, but I think especially the final exams in Irish Politics and the EU where judged a bit too hard. You shouldn’t be able to fall from a double B+ to a D from a essay to a exam. Anyway, I don’t care. Two critical essays resulting in two B+ should at least legitimize my EURO-sceptic attitude. I mean two international recognized essays (Irish course, German external examiner) should give me so weight in the debates (Laughing). Anyway! Let’s move on.

I wake up this morning at the news that, Iran had sent up an own satellite. This, at least historical happening, where tagged as “Launched homemade satellite” at the National Network. Um, “homemade satellite”. They are joking? An homemade Iranian satellite; with all do respect for the people of Iran, but: HOMEMADE? I can’t get that image out of my head. And I would love to se the drawings. The Do It By Yourself Guide: How to build a satellite with computers and other parts that’s not under international sanctions. Some critiques says that the satellite in the long run may be a threat to Western Europe; guess the biggest threat is that when it reach orbit it may be a risk that it torpedoes the restaurant at the top of Zugspitze. Anyway, good to know that something homemade are travelling above our heads.

While the Centre Party have tried to bring censorship upon us in matters of critique of religions –hence bringing blasphemy dangerously close to standards that we had thrown away a century ago- I have fought my own struggle against my own faith. The question where simple, what kind of milk would be political –and ideological- correctly to drink. Tine, the largest milk distributer- where caught some years ago buying the shelf space from Q-Melk, their main competitor. In that perspective a boycott of Tine would have been the most logical solution. However, Tine are bound to strict regulations –that’s meaning they have to collect the milk from the producers, Q-Melk on their side are not obligated to that, and are free to buy from the producers that’s suites them, that’s means the farmers are operating in a free marked. The shops at their side are using the pay-per-shelter to earn more, hence breaching the logic of free marked (equal competition, and the consumers should have right to choose after their own will, not the shop’s). In other words Tine, as an Association of Farmers, are just beating another competitor, which is a result of marked liberalism, by using the capitalist rules. That’s a craic. So by supporting the Association we are actually beating the capitalists; their pretty inferior to Tine. So, dear reader; drink milk. Drink Tine and support the rural counties!

To the very end: it is 8 cm with snow outside. And still more to come. Why? It has been like Dublin since early January. No snow, just below zero and bright. Why this change? This is Bergen!