Then last week have given a broad spectre of happenings that for once prove that the life may be a big laugh. For the very first; UCD finally sent me my final marks on Monday. And -honestly- I was a bit disappointed. Not that I should be, my results are in general far better than the results here in Bergen, but I think especially the final exams in Irish Politics and the EU where judged a bit too hard. You shouldn’t be able to fall from a double B+ to a D from a essay to a exam. Anyway, I don’t care. Two critical essays resulting in two B+ should at least legitimize my EURO-sceptic attitude. I mean two international recognized essays (Irish course, German external examiner) should give me so weight in the debates (Laughing). Anyway! Let’s move on.
I wake up this morning at the news that, Iran had sent up an own satellite. This, at least historical happening, where tagged as “Launched homemade satellite” at the National Network. Um, “homemade satellite”. They are joking? An homemade Iranian satellite; with all do respect for the people of Iran, but: HOMEMADE? I can’t get that image out of my head. And I would love to se the drawings. The Do It By Yourself Guide: How to build a satellite with computers and other parts that’s not under international sanctions. Some critiques says that the satellite in the long run may be a threat to Western Europe; guess the biggest threat is that when it reach orbit it may be a risk that it torpedoes the restaurant at the top of Zugspitze. Anyway, good to know that something homemade are travelling above our heads.
While the Centre Party have tried to bring censorship upon us in matters of critique of religions –hence bringing blasphemy dangerously close to standards that we had thrown away a century ago- I have fought my own struggle against my own faith. The question where simple, what kind of milk would be political –and ideological- correctly to drink. Tine, the largest milk distributer- where caught some years ago buying the shelf space from Q-Melk, their main competitor. In that perspective a boycott of Tine would have been the most logical solution. However, Tine are bound to strict regulations –that’s meaning they have to collect the milk from the producers, Q-Melk on their side are not obligated to that, and are free to buy from the producers that’s suites them, that’s means the farmers are operating in a free marked. The shops at their side are using the pay-per-shelter to earn more, hence breaching the logic of free marked (equal competition, and the consumers should have right to choose after their own will, not the shop’s). In other words Tine, as an Association of Farmers, are just beating another competitor, which is a result of marked liberalism, by using the capitalist rules. That’s a craic. So by supporting the Association we are actually beating the capitalists; their pretty inferior to Tine. So, dear reader; drink milk. Drink Tine and support the rural counties!
To the very end: it is 8 cm with snow outside. And still more to come. Why? It has been like Dublin since early January. No snow, just below zero and bright. Why this change? This is Bergen!
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