torsdag 10. september 2009

On the Progressives

The Election campaign is coming to an end. The black suites in the parties’ leaderships are starting to become quite edgy and nervous for the outcome. And in this mess, the Progressives have mange to reach a new low. They are the only party getting away with a statement that “People in general”/”The common people” think of asylum refugees as rapists. Congratulation, mrs Jensen, you have finally manage to prove that every general election bring forth the best and worst in this country; and the Progressives have truly brought forward all kinds of sludge and dirt which pollute this country. Were we before saw the value of sharing with those less fortunate, they see the costs. Were we used to see the value and strengths of having a community, they see oppression, lack of personal freedom and expenditures. Were we, the community, object to manslaughter in Gaza, they see a effective neutralization of terrorists. They make it equal to represent the Palestine Territories and to be anti-Semitic. Were we, the community, earlier culture was something beyond having a price, they think narrow culture is not worth spending tax money at, and non-marked art worthless.

What hurts isn’t that a party hold such opinions, but that they make it possible to form an entire segment within the electorate sizing up to a third or fourth of it. A party feasting on fear, naming everything associated with social thought as jealousy, and that it is harder to be rich than poor. I’m sick and tired of miss Jensen’s feigned hostilities towards authorities, towards opponents, towards everyone who isn’t agreeing with’em, and using every single possibility to take on the role as the victim. She’s a god damn Thatcherist, and I know all too well what happened both to Northern England and Ireland during her idol’s reign in the UK.

May our future generations not forgive us, if everything goes wrong at September 14th. Norway will change, but not for the better.

1 kommentar:

The Banshee of the North sa...

godt skrevet :) krysser fingrene for mandag