fredag 24. oktober 2008

In present Time, at a Island not too far away.

*Star Wars Main Theme*

It is a hard time for the Republic: the Force, the Celtic Tiger, are weak. The Budget crisis continues and hauntes the Goverment buildings. The Finna Fàil-Progressive Democrats-Green coalition are crumbling. The Independent TDs are threathning to leave the Alliance and a several Backbenchers are at the brink of revolt ageinst their own Taoiseach and threathning Taoiseach Cowen to leave the the Party. In a embarrising retreat have Cowen canceled the cuts in the Medical Cards for those over 70, and the 1 % increase in tax levy from 33 % to 34% have been wrecked.

Tuesday it came to open engagement between Students and Imperial Gardai at Belfield as a lesser and lesser admired finance minister Brian Lenihan arrived at UCD to support the University Presidency in the introduction of College Fees. At the same time the Health minisiter and tree other TDs representing the Taoiseach were refused to speak to 1800 pensioners as they was told the be a shame and then out-sounded by "We Will Overcome" song by the mob.

The Rebells are mobelizing! Thursday 25.000 Students, Teachers, and Pensioners united their force and marched up O'Connell Street, met Sinn Fèin and Labour and rallied in front of Lenster House in the largest Irish demonstration in years. At the opposit side of the street were the Housing Minister cuting to the bone, leaving the Market to rule the rent on mortagues to Public housing waiting for the New arriving Northern Dublin.

In Paris are president Nicolas Sarkozy not sattisfied with the Lisbon Referendum and gather support among French MEP and their followers for an political Isoloation of the Republic untill a second referendum in best democratic tradition gives the Union the right result and a Yes to the new constitution. In addition he blames Taoisearch Cowen to increase the resent recession for bailing out the Irish Banks.

It is a dark time for the Empire....wait...they do not even practice souvereignity over their entire Isle...the other Army are more known then the national...and they are subjects to the European Central Bank...and the Parlament in Brussell...and do as they are told in foreign

It is a dark age for the Free State... Republic...Ireland...whatever. It's recession!

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