onsdag 28. januar 2009

Crisis solved?

As mentioned last time I had some expectations to the Cabinet’s financial rescue of the industries in general and the other enterprises in particular. As the media tends to turn towards apocalyptic scriptures when describing the current economic situations; things are terribly wrong in Norway, and if we can’t turn it we’re soon on the same level as Moldavia, regarding matters of development. Hence, it was quite a relief to hear that the Finance Minister stated that Norway compared with many other countries are better equipped to rise to the challenge of the present situation. That’s positive, I mean, somebody in the public sphere are actually able to point out that things isn’t that bad up here. Sadly enough, Ireland (together with Iceland and the UK) where mentioned in her speech as an example of economic breakdown, to which I couldn’t agree more, and that did in fact save the legitimacy to the rescue program. (Had they acknowledged a larger crisis would only have led to riots in the opposition).

However, my negative predictions on how the program would be met by the Enterprises, Industries, Opposition and others; it did hit. Mostly. However, my lack of faith in the representatives of that part of the society that’s more loyal to the Chicago School of Economics and other more modified monetary ideologies then the Community, for once seems to have been a bit too deep:

- The Liberals and Christ-Democrats where quite more positive then I had expected. Especially the Liberals did point out that there was a lack of support for the exporting industries, which we all could agree with. But in general they saluted the program.

- The Conservatives do, not surprisingly, focus on the lack of support for the exporting industries, and the fact that there’s been no tax cuts the last 3 and a half years. That’s the thing with Conservatives, if they can’t have their tax cuts once a year; they probably starve to death, at least they get some real headache. But that’s all. They have the habit of complaining about financial stuff that only makes them less and less attractive as a party (they were crushed in the last election by the Liberals and the Progressives). The continual demands for tax cuts, god times as bad times, won’t help them. They only manage to make them self appear as a whiny upper class. But, it should be mentioned that they in some matters were surprisingly positive.

- The Progressives, well, in a parody of the current opposition some weeks ago they were all compared with a flock of gulls screaming “too little, too late”. Today the party leader stated that the program came too late, and were too small. That’s all I have to say. By the way; I just read that they, who don’t acknowledge the climate changes, that the program isn’t green enough.

- When it comes to the Enterprise Confederation it was remarkably only the lack of flexibility (lack of social dumping) in the labour market, but that’s the regular answer to everything for them. However, that the leadership did acknowledged that most of the program would be helpful to handle the crisis. That’s a craick. Even one of the country’s richest men and perhaps one of the most tasteless men as well, did praise it. They whined over the lack of tax cuts, but that’s life.

You never stop learning.

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