mandag 9. mars 2009

A Call for National Emergency Measures


TO: the United Nations, the International Red Cross, the Free World, and the international community in general and everybody who in solidarity will come our nation to aid.

Norway is facing an utter devastating threat not seen north of Sahara ever before in such a grim way. The new popular disease haunting through the Norwegian population, sparing no young nor old, no poor nor rich, have infected 1 in 4 in the society. The new disease, known as Siv/AIDS (C), has its cold knuckle fist clasping over the population from 18 years old and above. The disease attacks the brain like the more common known Alzheimer. The signs of the infection are the total lack of empathy, social short-sighted, marked apathy, a foaming rage and the complete absent of will to talk coherent if their own world scheme is questioned.

As you may see, with 25 % of the population lost to Siv/AIDS the Norwegian society are facing a total collapse similar to that breaking down Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho and Namibia. We –the People- appeal to the international community: we need more Red Ribbons!

2 kommentarer:

Jompa sa...

I'm glad to say that after a good dosage of intelligence and knowledge I am SIV-Negative.

The Correspondent sa...

Ha! We few -we happy few- we band of brothers, who never gave in for the spread of SIV. Let's vaccinate the nation!

Welcome to the Club.