It was rather emotional watching the rally in Chicago yesterday morning. The Dream was alive. To be honest; I’m of that opinion that what’s differs Europeans from the Americans is that we never fell asleep as they start Dreaming, however, it was something Disney-ish over the acceptance speech to Obama. And I loved it. For the first time in nearly a decade I actually enjoyed listening to an American politician. Of course, I can’t out stand the “greatest nation on the earth”, God blesh…” yeah you know, the regular propaganda stuff, but, guess that’s mandatory for presidents and presidents-elected to say that. Anyway, some things will never change, not even under Obama. But, the rally, the feelings, the actual picture of those thousands gathers around him, it was as he said, the UNITED States of America. So, I will not do any comments about that, he had right, that the doubts in the Dream actually could be questioned. The Slave has become the Master, and suddenly the US can’t longer be attacked for being a oligarchy with a democratic attitude. It is strange. Do we suddenly have to like US again?
Anyway. I will place some more text here later, have some more drafted, but it is just a bit too late, and I'm off for some peaceful and quite days in Belfast tomorrow morning. (I have always wanted to use those words in a single sentece)
By the way; if somebody are interested I'm open for a deeper talk about the Irish Constitution when I'm back.
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