lørdag 1. november 2008

18: Contains strong bloody violence

It's fireing in the Streets, sirens from the Gardai and a never ending stream of ambulances in routs between an Lár and the hospitals in the suburbs. I knew that with so many zombies and vampires haunting the Dublin street somebody did have to do some foolish. Let us join the vampires and kick some zombie arse and make dead things even deader! Anyway, quite charming...and could be a hell of a movie. And, taken the massive fireworks around here, all you need is a bit imagniation to do it a bit more...interesting. For example, close your eyes, listen to the sirens and the explotions outside and think of following song:

Through the little streets of Belfast

In the dark of early morn

British soldiers came marauding

Wrecking little homes with scorn
Heedless of the crying children
Cragging fathers from their beds

Beating sons while helpless mothers
Watched the blood poor from their heads

See, suddenly the Halloween firework is a lot more interesting...or, if you have Troubles (Haha) with such, try another conflict: It's Halloween only once every year, have fun, just try to avoid everything before the intruduction of the Machine Gunn!

Anyway. Due to the horrorish attitude around in Dublin today, I think I have to publish a kind of "dark" post. Therfor, children and pregnant woman should stop here....

-Then- I give ye my Bloody List of Horror: Top 10 Scenes I still find -quite litterery- bloody scary.

No 10

The first appearence of the Alien, in "Alien".
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h248/derbarbarian/alien_movie_monster_06.jpg The entire space ship are like a oil platform with a lot of pipeline, cables, dark spots and metalic sounds and whisling from the vetilation system. This is also a quite good description of the Alien, watched from a distance (recomended). Suddenly this ten feet tall creatur rais behind one of the characters, and yeah..nasty

No 9
The Needle Bath in Hostel II. It is a reason why I have boycotted all the other Hostel movies. For those who don't know the consept: it's all about somebody who have sinned in that way that don't apprisiate their life, but when facing to lose it, which most of them do in the end, they are willing to face their most utter fear to save them self. In this scene a girl who have been on drugs here entire life are getting push into a huge container filled with needles, were one of them contains the key to the exit door in the house they are trapped in. They are running out of air and she have two minutes to find the one needle by digging with here bare hands.

No 8
The amputation scene in Revolution. "Reveolution" are indeed no horror movie, but a terrible boring movie, though with Natasha Kinski, Al Pachino and Donald Sutherland, about the American War of Independence. But, as I sad, it is about a War, and in wars people are getting wonded. The point is only that the sound of a saw against a bone ain't pretty, esspecially not when the Doctor struggles to force the saw into the bone and have problems to push it back and forward.

No 7
The Cannibal scenes in Cannibal Ferox (AKA Make them Die Slowly) and Cannibal Holocaust. As the second title indicates; two evils added together will never turn to something good. I don't wan't to go in detalies, but Uberto Lenzi, the Director, were arrested after the Premier in New York in 1981 because of the content; that too much of what happend during the running time were too strong, and that the abusing and mutulations of some of the characters were thought to acctually have taken place. It is quite long between every movie I would prefered stayed illegal, but does two, have nothing...absoultlly nothing to contribute wo the public interest. Thoug, may I mention, that at least C. Holocaus do point out unethical parts of the West sociological reseach at Native peoples. Despite that, disscusting.

No 6
All the German soldiers in Outpost.http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/photo/data/500/the-outpost-movie-12.jpg They are not living, not dead, not zombies, not Ghosts, but they are walking, they are pale and still determend to fight for the Reich. One of the best horrors I have seen. It's about a deserted bunker in Eastern Europe where something happend during the last days of the War. This is right after the fall of the Irion Curtain, and now a Millitary company what to know what and hire some mercaneries and find out what the secret of the Outpost. A quite scary movie, but, as the Brits have a habbit to do: it is extreamly well produced and the scenery is magnificent.

No 5
The Bunker. http://www.beyondhollywood.com/posterx/thebunker.jpg This is quite simmular to the Outpost, but this story take place in France in 1944 as the Western Front are falling apart. A German company gets ambushed by a machine gunn, and only a few of them manage to take refuge in a Bunker protected by a veteran from WWI and a young boy. They can see that it is people outside, and that they are fireing against them, but they can't hit them. And, furthermore, there is something, or someone haunting the cellar of the Bunker, and slowly the remaining soldiers are captured in their own fear and are sinking into their own madness and imagination.

No 4
The Execution in Another Life. http://www.jamesmcconnel.com/page6/files/HangingPIC.jpg Not too much to say about this either, but it is about a woman who are scentences to death for murdering here husband, which she didn't. The movie are based on a true story, and that is why it is cruel. As the Court rejects the 250.000 signatures who begs for here life she turn manic, forced to the floor and drug. Still in consciousness, but unable to speak or movie she are dragd to the scafold as she tries to pronouns "Mom" and hanged. After seeing this, Bloody Sunday investigation and In the Name of My Father and others: can't somebody soon make a film about the british court system who don't presents them as a anti-Irish, woman hating, Elitistic, corrupted, sadistic assambly of old men with redicoulus wigs? (Though, Sophia Myles do in a dream sekvens in the Extras a quite good job as a Defence Lawyer, but then again, that was a dream)

No 3
First apparece of Leatherface in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f34/cazzutello/tellocazzu/Leatherface.jpgThe TCM are perhaps more brutal and/or sadistic than it is scary, but in the original movie, when Gunnar Hansen do the Leatherface character: nearly nothing are more frightning. He appear a second, you manage to see him as he raises the axe, and as he hit and drag the first body away, he's gone. Tobe Hooper's TCM are THE horror movie. I have never been that frightened after a movie than that one. The way he haven't used any effects at all in the movie, and the pure simpleness and the freaky music asses with the title it self (thoug, in the first movie Leatherface do "only" kills one with the chainsaw, doing the "massacre" part of the title a bit confusing)do the entire athmospher scary to the bone. The Mask, the dark eyes, the bloody Butcher outfit, lack of language but still with the human fear does Leatherface to the best horror character I know.

No 2
Pet Cemetery, the return of Sammy http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r114/dom316/pet_sematary.jpg, Zelda http://infinitecoolness.com/galleries/petsematary/petsematarypictures29.jpg and Timmy http://infinitecoolness.com/galleries/petsematary/ (find him your self, he's rotten, rather ugly and have his fingers pushed through his skinn...also better pictures from the movie there). The Norwegian title "De Levende Døde" are infact a bit more describing than Pet Cemetery. In general this movie is about a Indian cemetery, situated close to a pet cematery, were the ground is so sore that everyone put to rest returns. But, they are not the same as the person layed to rest there..they are something different. They are quite zombie like with that difference that they do communicate in a propper maner (Pascow, poor man, are acctually quite sympathetic to be dead, and show that a large hole in your head don't have to be something negative in the social life), they don't feed on humans, they do act as regular livings, but are rather rotten, may kill you with a drill/scalpell/toaster/lorry and likes to sitt in dark corners and stare at you with a bit too wide open and empty eyes and will after a wile turn sucidal (if that is possibile if you already are dead). In other words: they freek me out, even Pascow http://www.iconsoffright.com/PetSemetary/PET_SEMATARY-27.jpg, and he's the good guy. The movie itself ain't too good, but; i saw it in a young age, a dark night and despite the ocult nature of the movie, it still scares me, think it has manifested itself as my defention of fear...why I then love George Romero's movies..strange.

No 1
May, the new Friend scene.
A quite poetic horror; the story of a girl who just wants love, gets rejected by here only two friends and therefor she make herself a new one..with parts from her old friends. As the "master piece" are finished she realize that the new creaters perhaps loves here, but what she realy wants its a person who can see her as well, therefor she use a scissor to punsh out her own eye to give it to here new friend. She dies. Non the less, its is a sad history of a lonely person, and Angela Bettis do manage to freak you out just by deliver a cold smiling. Focking frightning.

Now, don't say I didn't warn ye. I will now celebrate the evening with a Tullamore Dew and Day of the Dead, despit the fact that I rather want to the city center and have some fun with some vampires. Sleep well, and happy Halloween from Dublin.

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