Today the Conservatives launched their the national convent in Oslo, and the Conservatives is continuing to do the only thing they know; speaking, talking and converse within. And, of course, be angry. Conservatives are always angry; well dressed and angry. In other words: all silent at the Right Wing and no needs for wasting time. At the far right however, the Progress Party are on the move. More precisely, their Leadership is moving towards the Tories and Westminster.
Under the headline “A Norwegian Thatcher” ms Jensen speaks warmly and enthusiastic about the reign of Maggie Thatcher, the deeds of Sarah Palin and French president Nikolas Sarkozy. Not to mention her view of Israel, and quoting “It is a country that respects human rights, respects all the things that we place very highly here”. Of course, the so called western (democratic) values is that it’s utter legitimate to reject elections results as long wrong party wins, internment without trial of civilians and parliamentarians, expelling and seizure of land and property. Guess such values are those belonging to a “classic liberal party”, as she states that they are. At least pretending to be.
Interestingly Jensen suddenly shows interest in women in Afghanistan, and even of one or another bizarre reason that Thatcher actually was a great feminist, and that British women got a better life during her 11 years as Prime Minister. Well, I don’t know not too much about internal British social policy during the 80s beyond what took place up in the North Eastern parts of Ireland; but let’s just use a learning from the global scene: when welfare get privatized the women is the first to feel the disadvantages (wage cuts, part time jobs, health care efficiency (more for less) and the jolly fight for survival between family “duties” and working life “duties”). And by the way, in her world the man to blame for the finance crisis is Bill Clinton. Sure, if she says so.
Bruce Bawer, the man behind the article, in STANDPOINT, after claiming Attac and Klassekampen as Communist institutions, states that “If she wins power, she may yet provide a model of gutsy liberalism and immigration common sense for all of Europe”. Siv Jensen as a saviour. Who had belived that some years ago? But, is it anything to belive in at all? A "saviour" who argues for Israeli killing of Palestinians in the same way Ian Paisley argued that no killed Catholics where innocent. A "saviour" who blames the media for their misstakes, a "saviour" who's largest enemy comes from within, from a minority within the minority, the immigrants. A "saviour" which rather interrupt in the local democracy rather than show will of co-operation and withdraw from taking unpopular decitions. A true Thatcher.
If Jensen is the new Thatcher, I’m truly a Irish Republican. So hands of the Phoenix (In the article the rise of the Progress Party are compared with the rising Phoenix). And sooner or later the Norwegian Thatcher will find a Norwegian Brighton.
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